
Monday, December 16, 2013

Killing of an Immortal

Stephen Cave in his ted talk talks about 4 ways we live on after death. You can see the video below.

Stephen talks about how when people are confronted with the fact that they are going to die get ready to believe just about anything that says it is not so. These people would (all of us)once aware of this immortality then try to make themselves immortal. He goes on to summarize these efforts to be of 4 types, namely; Elixir, Resurrection, Soul and Legacy. We all believe to be immortals in one way or the other.

My Idea occurred when I was thinking about legacy. For many people like me for whom it is very important to create one. But the question arises what if I fail to do so or what if I during my pursuit of immortality meet death, not a biological one but one of thoughts.

What if the people whom I want to remember me forget me?
What if the pages of minds where I want to write my story shut themselves tight?
What if I can’t write my immortal story?
And the most scary
What if I am there to see my efforts fail?
The question is what then?
 Do I let myself die an anonymous death?
The answer is no of course not, I mean that’s what we have been taught isn’t it? “Never give up”.
Then I think to myself have I done this to someone? Have I closed the pages of my mind when someone wanted to write on it.

Well maybe I have, Maybe all of us have.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gotta Have a Plan...

It’s been 6 months since I ceased to be the ordinary college guy. The journey in the corporate world has been good for me so far thanks to the great support from my Bosses who have made it very comfortable for me.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

There is never nothing happening

Ever felt that there is nothing to do, ever felt bored and felt like nothing is happening. Ever tried to look around and see what is happening.

This thought occurred to me when I was watching a movie ‘peaceful warrior’. There is something to learn from every moment, let alone learning it is a great experience just witnessing the world at work. When was the last time we just sat by and witnessed the world go about its business. Ever watched the curtains fluttering in the wind. Ever witnessed two people in conversation; or a group of people watching a cricket match in the canteen. There is much to learn from everyday happenings and no need for books and other things.

The sheer joy it gives to know what is going on around you is very soothing. Why sit around lazily and waste your life. Why not get up and make the most of now. Do something, experience the other. Live every moment be thankful to all those have been kind to you, Kind to all others. Make new friends. Make the most of now.

 This moment is all you have make the most of it. Learn to let go, stop worrying for what is to come live in today, live free.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Emotional Connect

The last few days for me have been full of emotions. Some of the emotions I have never felt before in my life. At a point of time I almost cried which one of my friend describes as “how men cry”. There have been people who have been a lot of help and re-kindled my enthusiasm for this new phase of my life. There have been people with whom I have mend relationships. Some who I have discovered a new one. There has been an emotional connect that relates me to all these people.